Canada’s History Archive, featuring The Beaver


Please note: The Beaver magazine was founded, and for decades, was published, during eras shaped by colonialism. Concepts such as racial, cultural, or gender equality were rarely, if ever, considered by the magazine or its contributors. In earlier issues, readers will find comments and terms now considered to be derogatory. Canada’s History Society cautions readers to explore the Archive using historical thinking concepts — analyzing not only the content, but asking questions of who shaped the content, and why.

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A Journal of Progress

Hugh Conn: Legendary Arctic Traveller

A tribute and a record of northern journey which places this retiring fur trade officer in the ranks of Most Celebrated Arctic Travellers.

S.S. Baychimo Icebound

The Hudson’s Bay Company did not want to leave their employees a second winter without communication from the outside world whenever it could be avoided... so in 1931 an aeroplane was chartered for the most northerly commercial flight ever attempted during this era.

For Future Reference

Wouldn’t your magazines like to slip into something more comfortable?

Preserve your collection of back issues with this magazine slipcase beautifully wrapped in burgundy vellum with gold foil stamp on the front and spine. Holds twelve issues.

Magazine of the North

Voyageurs on the Nile

A force of loggers and rivermen was Canada’s contribution to the Khartoum Expedition in 1884.

The Living Stone

Stone sculptures and implements produced by the Inuit of the eastern Arctic in the early 1950s.

The Saga of Northern Radio

In addition to its commercial importance, the creation of a fur-trade radio network in the 1930s brought far-reaching changes to the lives of Northern residents.

Exploring Canada's History


One of the few women to have been accorded a place in the history of the Canadian North is Thanadelthur, more widely known as the Slave Woman.

The Way We Ate

From the ortolan pâté of New France to Alberta’s prairie oysters, Canadians have long enjoyed a rich culinary history

The Explorers' Garden

In the dead of a typical Canadian winter, a rose by any other name than Explorer would not be as hardy.

Your history. Your inbox.

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Kayak in the Archive

Chocolate Strike

Fiction Feature: In 1947, a nationwide food-fight erupts when Canadian children boycott chocolate.

Shattered City, Shattered Lives

Fiction Feature: A brother and sister keep each other going after the Halifax Explosion sends windows, branches and fences flying.

A Gift from the Past

Fiction Feature: A young boy in the 1930s has trouble deciding what to give his family for Christmas. He is inspired by his sister to create a handmade gift, but Davy puts his own spin on it.

April 2012 cover of Kayak featuring the Titanic
Kayak in the Archive


Canada’s History Archive features both English and French versions of Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids.